The corporate and Social responsibility Examples of LSTN headphones?
Unlikely Avenues Today we will look at a social responsibility business in a field most people would not associate with the csr movement: the music industry. LSTN is a company that makes high end headphones. It also provides both corporate and social responsibility examples for us to learn from. Why Headphones? Is there anyone who doesn’t love music? We all have favorite bands and songs. We play our music at home, in our cars, and at work. Smartphones let us listen to exactly what we want to, everywhere we go. Songs tap into emotions in a way that words alone do not. Hearing a song we love can evoke a pleasant memory and change the whole course of our day. Facing the Problem We all know and appreciate the benefits of good music. We even take it for granted. But what about deaf or hearing impaired people, who cannot indulge their musical passions or find it difficult to do so? They should be able to experience the power of music the same way anyone else does. Go...